tiistai 24. elokuuta 2010

About the autumn

Which always comes too soon. Every year it comes faster,
oh it's so sad.
I guess that Summer runs so fast to hide away from the Autumn.
Am not saying that autumn is a big boogeyman, whose gonna come and kill everything,
new stuff happens too at autumn! Maybe?
It's just that, that I love the summer, I love the smell of summer, the feeling of sunrays warming me, and am gonna miss oll of that
The pretty birds will also fly fly fly away from here
and then we get that winter, which lasts for ages on bleeeeeeeh
I'd love to follow the Summer and embrace it always!

Of course autumn is nice too. It's beautiful!
The life of trees fades away so prettily and hopping into a pile of leaves is one of my favourite things to do!
It's just that, everything dies when autumn comes. They prepare for winter, who tests new plants and animals if they are worth of living.
If they survive, they've passed the test made by mother nature and are worth of living on this planet.
So a year long waiting starts soon for the next summer. We'll go thru: melancolic autumn, horrible winter, manic-depressed spring and the joyful summer! A year plan made yep!

The part of about everything dying makes me a bit sad... Maybe I'll gotta find some plants to my apartment and nurse them! Pretty colourful flowers... Maybe lillies? Or roses? A cactus would be more than cool!

That's end of the autumn. I'd love to write more, if I could think. Alas I've got some ache in my lower stomach so thinking includes atm this:
-"Gonna cut the whole womb out with a kitchen knife"
-"Or dig it out with a spoon"
-"where's my huge dose of painkillers when I need them"

I'm sure, that you all are thrilled to know this:
Gonna see it at sunday? I guess
I hope it's a nice one, with cute ears~~


Truly yours:

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